Juergen Hasert

handwriting education, writing process, literacy, text production, motor skills, didactics of writing, script, cursive writing, handwriting recognition, handwriting therapy and consulting, methods of handwriting improvement, cognition and writing,
Dr. Juergen Hasert Vogelsangweg 1 73630 Remshalden
Fields of Interest
Neurological models and networks, Biomechanical models, Cognitive models, Cognitive science, Development in Children, Education, instruction, teaching methods, Forensic document analysis methods and tools, Remedial teaching, occupational therapy, re-education, writing systems for the handicapped, Letter design for cursive, print, italics, ..., Movement recording equipment, Pen based interface design, computer mouse gesture movements, Psychiatry applications of handwriting and drawing, Reading of handwriting and print by humans, Recognition systems of optical images of handwriting and drawing, Recognition systems for handwriting, drawing, pen gesture movements, pen computing, Signature and writer verification and identification systems, Visual perception, feedback, eye monitoring, Writer verification and identification