
We are interested in the rules governing letters associations when words are written. Several factors may intervene for grouping together letters and creating chunks which would be written faster. High-level linguistic constraints may induce such chunks. For instance, it has been shown that the time separating two letters is shorter when they belong to the same syllable than when they belong to two adjacent syllables. Low-level motor associations might also play a role in the way letters are chunked. Motor compatibility between letters might favor some associations and the creation of motor chunks which could modify or even reverse the linguistic effects. We try to propose a set of principles defining the motor compatibility between two letters. We investigated motor chunks by focus on the cinematic variables to the displacement between two letters.
Laboratoire Jacques Lordat (Unité de Recherche Int
Fields of Interest
Neurological models and networks, Biomechanical models, Cognitive models, Cognitive science, Experimental psychology, Letter design for cursive, print, italics, ..., Motor control, accuracy, speed, learning, response preparation, reaction time, Neurological movement disorders, Neuropsychology, movement tests, Neuroscience, EEG, pharmacokinetics, Pen based interface design, computer mouse gesture movements, Reading of handwriting and print by humans, Signal analysis and digital time-series processing systems